Think about some of your favorite brands right now and then look at their marketing. Most likely they sell their products by telling a story. Nike is an example of a brand that does this quite well. Instead of just posting pictures of their product, they also use videos to tell a story. For example, Nike posted about a team of girls winning a lacrosse game by using hard work and dedication. Oh, and they just so happened to be wearing Nike shoes while doing it. Another post showcased Olympic Medalist, Sky Brown, telling us to keep doing what we love. Inspiring, right? She also happened to be wearing Nike shoes while telling her story. This strategy helps plant a seed in the target audience’s brain, so that when they see your brand or product, they relive those stories.

What Does Storytelling Mean?

Storytelling isn’t just creating a plot line and mapping out a storyboard. (It can in some cases, if you’re wanting to create a longer video.) But it doesn’t have to be that complicated. Although often considered an artform, it’s one of the earliest methods of human expression. Storytelling involves a two-way interaction between the teller and the audience. It’s this interaction that accounts for its immediacy and impact, which can directly and tightly connect the two. In this case, the brand to the audience.

Is Your Product a Want or a Need?

Who uses your product? How has your product changed someone’s life? Is your business or product a want or a need? Answering these questions will help you to map out what marketing strategies you should use, and how your story should be told. If your product is a need, then show how your product has helped someone or made their life better. If it’s a want, then make your audience feel like they need to have your product. Again, looking at Nike, you may know that you don’t necessarily need to have Nike shoes to win a game. However, when viewing their social media posts, it seems as if all the winners wear Nike, so maybe you need to have their product to win a game. To stand out as a true winner. To join the culture of winning.

Building Relationships

As a brand, you want to help build connections with your customer base. Storytelling is a great asset to use because it can show your audience that you’re more than just a business. Instead of a robot behind a computer screen, storytelling can help show that your company cares.

What prompted you to start your business? Has it always been your dream? Think about these things and share it with your target audience. They will be more likely to listen if they aren’t being constantly bombarded to buy something. Show them the heart behind the business.

Do some research behind your favorite brands and see how they use storytelling in their marketing. Have fun with it and tell some stories.

Do you need help telling your story? At Gulf Coast Studios we are ready to assist you with all of your digital content needs. Gulf Coast Studios is an award-winning Production Company that can help you find your vision and tell your story.