Motivation for Creativity Blocks

If you’re an artist or creative mind of any medium, this blog is aimed for you. I know how tough it can be when you want to create but are lacking the tools or motivation to be able to start. Well, I am here to give you some tips I have learned through the years to get you out of your creativity block.


If you’re in a creativity block, start by just journaling. This should be a stream of consciousness journal. Don’t try to filter yourself, as you are the only person that will see what you wrote. By writing a stream of consciousness, never taking your pen off the paper, you allow yourself to be free and get all of your thoughts out. Sometimes, just doing something helps to motivate you to do something else. Again, the biggest thing here is not to filter yourself. Do not go back and change any misspellings or rephrase things. Just keep writing till you feel like you’re done. This clears up your mind and you may find ideas start to pop up while you’re writing.

Your Inner Artist

There is a book called, The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron. She talks about morning journaling as well as the idea of your “inner artist”, which is the part of you that wants to create. Through this book she guides you to find your own creativity and stops you from doubting this artist or pushing back it’s ideas for another day. Before the first chapter even starts, she gives us a great list of affirmations to follow.

Stop telling yourself, “It’s too late.”

Stop waiting until you make enough money to do something you’d really love.

Stop telling yourself, “It’s just my ego” whenever you yearn for a more creative life.

• Stop telling yourself that dreams don’t matter, that they are only dreams and that you should be more sensible.

• Stop fearing that your family and friends would think you’re crazy. • Stop telling yourself that creativity is a luxury and that you should be grateful for what you’ve got.

She teaches that if start saying yes to your creativity instead of talking yourself out of it, your ideas will start to bloom.

A Tip From Brian Cox

Last summer, I was able to take a workshop with Brian Cox, from HBO’s Succession, where he talked about this as well. He gave my class a tip about feeding into that creativity you once had as a child. Brian told us to always keep a picture of our childhood self on our phone or wallet. This is because when we were little, we didn’t stop ourselves from dreaming big. Try to make your inner-child happy by feeding into those dreams you once had. You will be surprised at what happens.

Just Do It

So, get started and stop filtering your ideas or pushing it back to another day. In the wise words of Shia LeBeouf, “Just Do It”.

Nathan Marlow